

How to Hire from Home

We all face challenges running our businesses. COVID-19 has undoubtedly added to the list of problems we face. As iTelecom grows, I am looking at how we need to alter our hiring and training procedures, given the need to do both primarily remotely.

How will you interview?

Virtual interviewing, even for a position that may eventually be an in-person position, is now easier than ever with all of the video options available. Even a regular phone call interview may work for a first interview. You’ll want to make sure that you add in time to get to know your candidate and share information about the company culture and what the “normal” work environment will be since they won’t be able to observe your other employees or come into your office. You may need to revamp your questions and dig deeper, given that you won’t be able to read their body language as easily.

How about training?

Virtual onboarding is also now easier than ever too. One benefit is that you can train multiple people on one video call. For some, remote onboarding and training may be a natural fit. If not, have patience and follow the latest health and safety procedures if you must meet in person.

How about cutting some slack?

It may still be hard for candidates and new-hires to have a quiet space, with good connectivity at home. So, we need to cut them some slack when the baby cries, doorbells ring or the dog jumps on their laptop. We also need to be mindful that employees being onboard remotely will not feel as connected to the company or their co-workers at first. We’ll need to take the time to get to know each other and create comradery among the team.

How to improve?

As the saying goes, “Change is the one constant in life.” Fortunately, with change comes opportunity. Take this chance to “re-do” and refine your hiring and training procedures. Look for opportunities to streamline paperwork, utilize technology and engage your team more deeply.

What are you changing or improving within your hiring and training procedures?


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Adam Cole

Adam joined iTelecom in 2009 and currently leads our dedicated sales team. Adam has been leading sales teams in the telecommunication sector for more than 13 years. Adam is a veteran with a natural aptitude for providing dynamic leadership to cross-functional teams, spearheading projects aimed at driving sales and maintaining excellent client relationships. Adam’s philosophy is to “make a difference, not a sale.”
