
General, Security, Technology

Do You Need to Care about IT Audits?

Technology is ubiquitously woven into the fabric of your business management and operations. But how reliable is the technology that your business and employees rely on every day? Are your devices and software up-to-date and secure? Are your solutions still the most cost-effective? If you don’t know these answers, it may be time for a technology audit (IT audit).

What is an IT Audit?

When you hear the word “audit,” you may think of a financial audit. While a financial audit may assess your accuracy and adherence to standard accounting practices, a technology audit is the examination of your management controls as it relates to your hardware, infrastructure, and business applications to ensure they are best aligned to meet your overall business goals. We focus on evaluating your current systems for efficiency, security, reliability, and more. An effective high-level audit will highlight these areas:

  • Identify security risks and opportunities to shore up cyber security
  • Determine if your company is following any industry-specific laws relating to IT
  • Review client, server, telecommunications, intranets, and extranets
  • Validate if your operations and policies make the best use of your assets and that your data is securely stored

Scope of IT Audits

We adjust the audit process to meet your needs. We cover all levels of auditing, from fundamental to sophisticated audits.

At a minimum, most businesses seek a cyber-security audit to understand their risk. Over 50% of business owners that responded to a recent survey revealed that their latest audit uncovered weak security practices as a liability. It is critical to expose and plan to deal with any potential weakness during an audit.

In other audits, some businesses require an eye toward innovation. We can construct a risk profile for existing and new projects and assess the length and depth of your company’s experience in your chosen technologies, as well as your presence in the marketplace.

Perhaps you want to focus on your competitors. This type of audit is an analysis of the innovative abilities of your company in comparison to your competitors. We look at the current technologies and what you may need to add or delete. Industry standards characterize these technologies as being either “base,” “key,” “pacing” or “emerging.”

Bottom Line of an IT Audit

IT audits exist to help your company improve your practices and optimize your investment in technology. Our standard client servicing includes IT audits as our clients continue to grow, open new locations and launch new products.

Regardless of your investment in your IT infrastructure, it needs to be reliable, secure, and invulnerable to attacks. Let iTelecom help support your IT infrastructure and map out a strategy to address potential risks. Want to learn more about our superior customer service? Contact iTelecom today at sales@itelecom.com.

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Adam Cole

Adam joined iTelecom in 2009 and currently leads our dedicated sales team. Adam has been leading sales teams in the telecommunication sector for more than 13 years. Adam is a veteran with a natural aptitude for providing dynamic leadership to cross-functional teams, spearheading projects aimed at driving sales and maintaining excellent client relationships. Adam’s philosophy is to “make a difference, not a sale.”
